The weekend Tiki radio show from Haleakaloha, French Polynesia! I am your host,
Thomas Aloysius 'Boats' Gilhooley and some of my guests among many include
Les Baxter, Martin Denny, Arthur Lyman, traditional Polynesian artists, Space Age Pop
Hawaiian, a little surf and eventually swaying hula girls in grass skirts whose
autographed photos for a small fee can be simulvaxed to the mainland.

The show is called KON TIKI! (the best Pupu platters and Mai Tais anywheres) and will
air zero hundred hours EDT -4GMT Zulu Fridays through Monday whenever I sober up.


Launch the pop out player!


ATOMIC CITY Sun 9:00PM - Fri 7:00PM EST
KON TIKI! Fri 7:00PM - Mon 7:00AM EST
Swinging 40s Show Wed 7:00PM - 9:00PM EST
HI-FI Living Stereo-matic Sound™

ATOMIC CITY is a TorontoCast radio station based in Canada. TorontoCast provides music license coverage through SOCAN

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